Delegates 1.0

This is a step towards empowering our community and enhancing decentralized governance. As part of this initiative, we are looking for passionate and knowledgeable members to become delegates.

All delegation is handled through Agora

What are delegates?

Delegates are trusted community members who are given the responsibility to vote on proposals and decisions on behalf of token holders. This system allows token holders who may not have the time or expertise to participate in every vote to still have their voices heard through a trusted representative.

Why delegates?

Delegates enable a more efficient and inclusive governance process by:

  • Influencing Decisions: Play a key role in shaping the future of the Protocol.

  • Community Leadership: Represent the interests of the community and ensure decisions are well-informed.

  • Recognition: Gain recognition and credibility within the ecosystem.

How to become a delegate

We invite you to express your interest by providing your profile in the community forum post. Please include the following information:

  • Your Experience: Share your background and any relevant expertise you bring to the table.

  • Your Vision: Explain why you want to be a delegate and how you plan to contribute to the growth and success of

  • Community Engagement: Highlight any past involvement with the community or other relevant projects.

Initially delegate onboarding will be reviewed and approved by the Proposer, later by token holders.

Responsibilities of delegates

View these responsibilities here

Next steps

The rollout of delegates will occur in phases to ensure a smooth transition and effective implementation:

  1. Initial Phase: Early adopters and active community members have been nominated as the pioneers to set the groundwork for those to come.

  2. Expansion: As the ecosystem grows, more token holders and community members will be invited to participate in delegation, expanding the pool of delegates.

Ongoing Support: The Foundation will provide resources and support to help delegates fulfil their roles effectively.

Last updated