
While the Dappnode machines have a large enough SSD to hold both Mainnet and Testnet Ethereum chains, you will have lower performance if you try to run both chains simultaneously.

If you are already running a Testnet chain (e.g., Goerli), it is best to remove or pause those packages.

Once you have your Dappnode machine set up, the next step is to install the Ethereum staking packages and begin syncing the chain.

The full node can take a few days to sync, so it's good to get that process started as soon as possible.

Client diversity is important, so selecting non-majority clients can help to improve the resiliency and health of the network. When selecting which clients to use, take a look at https://clientdiversity.org and consider picking clients that are not majority clients.

Install Ethereum Validator Clients

Navigate to the Stakers menu and select the Ethereum tab.

Select one Execution Client, one Consensus Client, and optionally MEV Boost.

Apply the changes and the chain will then start syncing.

Last updated

Change request #74: ether.fan whitepaper