ETHFI is the governance token that drives the ether.fi protocol, enabling the DAO community members to manage critical aspects of the protocol and direct the growth strategy of weETH, eETH and the protocol's future growth.

As a portion of protocol and re-staking rewards are directed toward the DAO treasury, the ETHFI token now plays a vital role in controlling and governing this treasury, and the future of the protocol at large.

$ETHFI token holders will be able to propose and approve:

  • Major protocol upgrades

  • Changes to key economic parameters, such as fees designated to the protocol

  • Software development contributor permissions

  • Whitelisting of node operators that run ETH nodes on behalf of the protocol

  • Where and how ETH is restaked within the Actively Validated Services (AVS) ecosystem which utilizes the EigenLayer protocol

  • Treasury diversification activities

Last updated