Liquid Move ETH Vault


The Liquid Movement Vault provides a simple way for users to participate in the Cornucopia Era launch program for Movement and earn MOVE rewards.

Assets will be utilized to provide wETH/weETH DEX liquidity on Liquidswap to provide deep liquidity for weETH users on Movement. Vault withdrawals will be disabled for a two month period after mainnet launch (follow Movement for mainnet date announcements). Rewards will vest linearly over a 1-month period after withdrawals are re-enabled and are claimable on Movement.

The vault is built on the Veda (Ethereum) & Canopy (Movement) infrastructure.

Check out the Liquid Move ETH Vault on

Key Benefits

  • Participate in the launch of Movement as a Day 1 support! Earn MOVE for your deposits during the Cornucopia program

  • Take advantage of special programs outlined for asset holders

  • Earn a diversified set of DeFi yields & compounding incentives sourced from ETH markets

Audits & Contract Deployments



BoringVault: 0xca8711dAF13D852ED2121E4bE3894Dae366039E4

AccountantWithRateProviders: 0xb53244f7716dC83811C8fB1a91971dC188C1C5aA

TellerWithMultiAssetSupport: 0x63ede83cbB1c8D90bA52E9497e6C1226a673e884

Last updated