🧪Testnet (Holesky)

Install the Obol Distributed Validator package

Navigate to the DappStore menu and look for the Obol Distributed Validator package.

Configure the Obol package

Navigate to My DApps and select the Manage option for the Obol Distributed Validator package.

Scroll down to the Environment variables section and confirm that the NETWORK value is set to holesky<.

Then, navigate back to the My DApps page and select the Open option for the Obol Distributed Validator package.

Click on the Admin menu and scroll down to the Restore backup section. Select the charon.zip file that you have been sent by Ether.fi. and click the Restore backup button.

And that should be it! The keyshare has been imported into your Obol Charon client and once your Testnet Holesky chains are synced, the validator will start to perform its duties 🥳

Last updated