Badges Badges serve as Loyalty Point recognition, highlighting accomplishments and contributions of users within the protocol ecosystem. Each badge is uniquely designed for active eETH/weETH holders.

There are two types of badges, variable and static. The variable badges have levels that you can unlock as you progress or stake more, where static badges are a one of kind badge that's unlocked by a certain action. As variable badges can increase with progress / more ETH staked, the same holds true if there is a reduction in the eETH/weETH held by the wallet. This means that points can go down by the same proportional amount. For static badges, they will remain as long as there is eETH/weETH held in the associated wallet.

Current available badges:

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: Only available to those early users who have minted eETH as of Dec 4th or signed up to the eETH whitelist (now closed). For every 0.1 ETH staked you earn 1K loyalty points, up to a maximum of 30K points.

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by using the verify email mechanism and confirming your email address, you can only earn this badge once but it's one of the easier badges to unlock, so go do it right away :)

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by keeping your eETH to March 31 2024 and supporting our journey to become the biggest natively re-staked protocol.

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by becoming a ambassador and helping expand to new horizons.

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by joining our discord community and work your way up to be the GigaChad of the Discord, you are the type of person who will have no problem convincing everyone that is the best protocol around. Additionally to unlock this badge you have to send photo proof that you have less that 3% body fat and washboard abs.

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: Unlocked by partnerships, reach out to us if you want to join forces!

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: Unlocked by joining AMA's on discord and spaces on twitter, conditional to entering on a form and not all events guaranteed for entry. 3k per event.

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by owning a wizard NFT, either by having minted one during the available time at or buying one on the open market like on Rarible. Every fan NFT has a tier starting at bronze and going up to platinum, the higher the tier, the more points you unlock on the badge. The wizard series only has 1000 available and is therefore the most rare, a platinum tier Wizard badge is worth 50k, gold is worth 25k, silver 10k and bronze 5k. This badge is only unlocked and kept by holding the NFT. If the NFT is sold / transferred, this badge will no longer remain.

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by owning a squid NFT, either by having minted one during the available time at or buying one on the open market like on Rarible. Every fan NFT has a tier starting at bronze and going up to platinum, the higher the tier, the more points you unlock on the badge. The squid series only has 2000 available and is therefore the 2nd most rare, a platinum tier Squid badge is worth 25k, gold is worth 10k, silver 5k and bronze 2.5k. This badge is only unlocked and kept by holding the NFT. If the NFT is sold / transferred, this badge will no longer remain.

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by owning a robot NFT, either by having minted one during the available time at or buying one on the open market like on Rarible. Every fan NFT has a tier starting at bronze and going up to platinum, the higher the tier, the more points you unlock on the badge. The robot series has 7000 available and is therefore the least rare, a platinum tier Robot badge is worth 10k, gold is worth 5k, silver 2.5 and bronze 1.25k. You can still mint a robot NFT at today! This badge is only unlocked and kept by holding the NFT. If the NFT is sold / transferred, this badge will no longer remain.

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by owning 1 of each series NFT's, you will need, 1 or more wizards, 1 or more squids and 1 or more robots to unlock this badge. This badge is only unlocked and kept by holding all 3 NFT's. If an NFT is sold / transferred, this badge will no longer remain.

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You unlocked this badge by being in the top 10 of the Sassal Santa contest that ran over the festive season in 2023. We love Sassal and badges! Read more about it here,

Type of badge: Static

How to unlock: You can unlock this badge by following us on debank, The bad will be unlocked for all followers on the last day of January.

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: We'll reveal more information about this 100k badge soon, to be eligible, stake before we reach 100k+ ETH staked as a collective.

Type of badge: Variable

How to unlock: This badge will be revealed soon!

Last updated