Liquid BTC Yield Vault


The Liquid BTC Vault is intended to provide a simple way for users to earn from a diversified set of BTC yield opportunities, including bespoke liquidity deals, pre-launch farming, and token incentives.

Unlike other Bitcoin vaults, users have numerous deposit options including eBTC, WBTC, LBTC, and cbBTC for the vault. Initially the vault will utilize a range of borrow & lending protocols, such as Aave & Morpho, to take advantage of rate arbitrages found across BTC assets, as well as competitive stablecoin yields.

The vault is built on the Veda infrastructure.

Check out the Liquid BTC Yield Vault on

Key Benefits

  • Earn diversified set of DeFi yields while gaining exposure to a blend of points & compounding incentives sourced from BTC markets

  • Additional rewards of Babylon, Lombard,, and Veda points dependent on the underlying asset composition

  • Stack BTC - Automated compounding of rewards

Audits & Contract Deployments



BoringVault: 0x5f46d540b6eD704C3c8789105F30E075AA900726

Token: 0x5f46d540b6eD704C3c8789105F30E075AA900726

Accountant: 0xEa23aC6D7D11f6b181d6B98174D334478ADAe6b0

Teller: 0x9E88C603307fdC33aA5F26E38b6f6aeF3eE92d48

Last updated