Arbitrum Canonical Bridging

How to

Step 1: Head to and click on the eETH tab

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Step 3: Stake ETH (or any supported liquid staking token) to receive eETH

Step 4: Wrap wETH to receive weETH

Step 5: Head to and navigate to the bridge tab. Make sure you’re on the Ethereum Mainnet

Step 6: Connect your wallet

Step 7: Search for weETH on the β€œFrom” dropdown, and Arbitrum One on the β€œTo” dropdown

**DO NOT TRY TO BRIDGE eETH** There is currently no market of eETH on Arbitrum.

Step 8: Click β€œMove Funds to Arbitrum One”, and then you’re done! From there you can use your weETH on Arbitrum Dapps.

Last updated