
While the Avado machines have a large enough SSD to hold both Mainnet and Testnet Ethereum chains, you will have lower performance if you try to run both chains simultaneously.

If you are already running a Testnet chain (e.g., Goerli), it is best to remove or pause those packages.

Once you have your Avado machine set up, the next step is to install the Teku and Nethermind packages and begin syncing the chain.

For the hardware specs used by the Avado machines in this first trial, the best clients to use are Teku and Nethermind. Luckily they are also minority clients, so +1 for client diversity 🥳

Install Nethermind and Teku Clients

Navigate to the DappStore menu and look for Ethereum execution client (Nethermind) and Ethereum Validator + Beacon Chain (Teku).

The search feature didn't work for me, so you can just use the browsers search function, or look down the list manually 👀

Configure Teku

By default on Avado machines, Teku is configured to use Geth. Since we are using Nethermind as our Execution Client, this needs to be changed.

Navigate to the My DApps menu and click the Open button for Teku.

The Teku configuration will open on a new page. Click the Settings menu.

Change the Execution Engine to Nethermind and then Apply changes.

Last updated