The Bera ETH Vault


The Bera ETH Vault is intended to provide a simple way for users to participate in Boyco pre-launch & post-launch programs for Berachain. Users will earn from a diversified set of ETH yield opportunities, in addition to Bera rewards, all made available through differing markets and protocols which are operating in the Berachain ecosystem.

The Bera ETH Vault will have a duration component associated with the deployment. The assets will undergo an expected 90 days lockup period after Berachain mainnet deployment. Afterwards, assets will continue to be used within DeFi to earn competitive yield.

Unlike other Ethereum vaults, users have numerous deposit options including WETH, stETH, and weETH for the vault. Initially the vault will utilize Kodiak (DEX), Dolomite (Borrow & Lending), and Goldilocks (Yield Trading) protocols.

The vault is built on the Veda infrastructure.

Check out the Bera ETH Vault on

Key Benefits

  • Participate in the launch of Berachain and earn outsized rewards as a Day 1 supporter

  • Take advantage of special programs & markets outlined for asset holders

  • Earn a diversified set of DeFi yields with a blend of points & compounding incentives sourced from BTC markets

Note regarding vault rewards: Only deposits made and remain during up in the lockup period of the vault will be awarded ETHF and vault rewards, and will be awarded at the end of the lockup period. Depositors that withdraw before the lockup period forfeit all vault rewards.

Audits & Contract Deployments



BoringVault: 0x83599937c2C9bEA0E0E8ac096c6f32e86486b410

AccountantWithRateProviders: 0x04B8136820598A4e50bEe21b8b6a23fE25Df9Bd8

BoringOnChainQueue: 0xE2f6157656ed2BBBD87f1c01A29c1b92acb17476

Lens: 0x5232bc0F5999f8dA604c42E1748A13a170F94A1B

ManagerWithMerkleVerification: 0x62b283d4FeFB2a120e1120dba9f83bE6CA41bCD7

Pauser: 0x7C5C721FF970D86CEdE81cBB81914DD7C2dCB234

QueueSolver: 0x45D85C0A1168726Bbee2352D78E7647f70654d56

RolesAuthority: 0x5979F753b417c17FCd8f8c87b86154A0EB0E2c17

TellerWithMultiAssetSupport: 0xCbc0D2838256919e55eB302Ce8c46d7eE0E9d807

Timelock: 0x946F01f13eCafdbbd4CC2BDEd41703b3365b9D17

Last updated